Tech Support

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Tech Support

Solutions to the most common technical issues.

Check that the charger is correctly plugged into the ball. Sometimes customers do not plug it all the way in.

Make sure that the line on the cable’s connector that plugs into the ball matches the hole of the ball.

If that doesn’t work, try to use a different charger or USB port from a computer.

If you are still having issues, please reach out to support.

To connect your ball on Android, you need to grant bluetooth permissions and location permissions. Location is required in order to connect to bluetooth devices.

In addition, even if the location permission is granted, the location service itself needs to be turned on, alongside bluetooth.

Lastly the ball’s LED needs to be flashing fast while trying to connect.

Here are a few steps to troubleshoot this issue.

  • STEP 1: Check that all permissions are granted. Make sure the location service (not the location permission) is turned on. Lastly, make sure that the ball's LED is flashing while trying to connect.
  • STEP 2: If all of this doesn’t work, please clear Bluetooth Cache, the Bluetooth MIDI App and restart the phone.

    If you can't find these apps, watch this video. To clear the Bluetooth cache check this video, and for the Bluetooth MIDI app this video.

If none of these works, please reach out to support.

To connect your ball on iOS, you just needs to grant bluetooth permissions, have bluetooth on and make sure the ball's LED is flashing fast.

Check these conditions are met.

If you are still having issues, please reach out to support.

The ball does not transmit sound, only commands to the App. For this reason the ball’s latency is only about 10 milli-seconds, totally unnoticeable.

Latency might be caused by connected bluetooth headphones or speakers (which do add a latency to the sound) or by certain Android phones.

Make sure you are not using bluetooth headphones or speakers, or use an audio cable with the speaker or headphone.

If you are on Android, we can suggest clearing bluetooth cache, close all apps and restart the phone.

If you are still having issues, please reach out to support.

For any issue or question that is not covered here, please reach out to support.