
Support / Shipping


Frequently asked questions about shipping.

Yes, we ship everywhere in the world.

There might be times when certain countries are not reachable, but these are rare occurrences.

It varies from country to country.

You will be able to see an estimate at checkout, when you select the shipping method for your order.

We have warehouses in the UK, USA and Europe, so we generally ship from the closest warehouse to you, unless the unit you ordered is out of stock at that location.

In that case our system may send it from another warehouse. We will deal directly with any potential custom clearance, so you don’t have to worry about that.

A tracking number will be sent to you as soon as your order ships.

We usually ship your order within 24hrs, but it might take longer due to weekends or holidays.

If it has been 3 days and you have not received a tracking number, please get in touch with support.

For any issue or question that is not covered here, please reach out to support.